Sunday, August 23, 2020
Initiation Essay Essays - Everyday Use, , Term Papers
Inception Essay Commencement Essay ?A commencement story might be said to show its young hero encountering a critical difference in information about the world or himself and this change must point or lead him toward a grown-up world?. In this article I will portray and assessing every one of the significant hero in the accompanying short stories. The first is Sammy of the renowned short story ?A&P?. The subsequent hero is Mama from the tragic ?Everyday Use?. At long last Jackie the insane child from ?First Confession? is my last hero. Sammy is a 19-year-old youngster who is from a humble community close to the sea. He works at a supermarket as a clerk and three youngsters stroll in wearing swimming outfits and nothing else except for their pride. He was unable to recollect his name to spare his life, not to mention check ones staple goods effectively. His feelings are on high and he is looking at the women left and right simply like a young person would and he gazes not caring how it causes the ladies to feel. He condemns what the look like and act during the entire time they are shopping; yet he has never met them. Remember the entirety of this is going on in his mind for nobody else can hear. At that point he detects the head supervisor somewhere off to the side and he goes bad since he realizes he will give a valiant effort to kick the women out and ruin his good times. The senior supervisor makes a major trial out of the circumstance and humiliates them before the entire store. That exact moment he realizes th e director wasn't right and does the noble thing and stops. Sammy reprimands his chief and exits jumping perhaps the ladies are as yet looking out for him. ?Mother? is around forty or fifty and a mother of two Dee and Maggie. Mom is, ?all things considered, I am an enormous, huge boned ladies with unpleasant, man-working hands?. She cherishes Dee when she was a youngster the most and was viewed as her top choice. She adores Maggie as well however Dee was the brilliant one so with some assistance from the congregation they collected some cash to send her to school. Maggie remained with mom and scholarly her lifestyle. Dee returned home with a beau and tells mother that her name is no longer Dee. Mother resents this and gets up set thinks she is attempting to overlook her legacy. Dee, as though that isn't sufficient she begins to request collectibles not in light of the recollections but since they were in style. Mother now was furious yet she handles the circumstance very well by not getting brutal. She gets Maggie kisses her and acknowledges how uncommon she is. Jackie's granddad passed on and his grandma needs to live with them now. She is a major old nation ladies drinks like a fish and strolls in exposed feet, he despises her. He has a sister that torments him throughout the day; I don't censure him for getting vicious with a margarine blade. He thinks the entire world is out to get him. Ryan an old woman they pass on the road sets him up for his first admission. The main thing she discusses is heck, individuals copying furniture with their hands and putting one finger over a fire for five minutes. He goes to his admission not with his mother however with his malicious sister. At the point when he gets into the confession booth both he doesn't have the foggiest idea where to look so he begins to move until somebody answers. The dad answer and is disturbed in light of the fact that he moving around. Jackie modifies and falls into the path and gets humiliated. He winds up admitting all and discovers that this person is the most intriguing i ndividual he has meet and the experience wasn't as agonizing as everybody portrayed it. All in all, every last one of the heroes had some from of change in their life. For Sammy it was the chief humiliating the ladies, mother it was Dee's desirer to overlook her past and Jackie's was his first admission. Who controls the past controls what's to come. Who controls
Friday, August 21, 2020
Knowledge and Emotion Essay Example
Information and Emotion Essay There can be no information without feeling Until we have felt the power of the information it isn't our own (adjusted from Arnold Bennett). Talk about this vision of the connection among information and feeling. TTS-PUB 16 January 2009 word tally: 1, 596 Knowledge and feeling have consistently had profoundly established associations between one another in my point of view. At the point when one joins feelings to an information guarantee, one has faith in this case all the more emphatically, when the essentials of information claims are comprehended. To comprehend the connection among information and feeling is to promote ones own comprehension of the significance of both information and feeling n our lives. In endeavors to additionally account for myself, I feel It generally appropriate to begin some place In the center, and work at the same time in reverse and advances until the parts of the bargains interface In a progressively reasonable manner. To backtrack, It Is important to take a gander at what precisely information Is In request to comprehend Its connection to feelings. Information, as a Platonic definition, is legitimized genuine conviction, and essentially sums up the three characteristics that a case must have with the end goal for it to be information. Initial, a case must be Justified, which means both of two things. The primary way a case can be Justified is y genuinely testing it, implying that one must attempt it, and it must occur in a similar way more than once. The second method of Justifying a case is by simple comprehension, and perceiving that it bodes well in our reality, in view of comparative demonstrated cases. We will compose a custom paper test on Knowledge and Emotion explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Knowledge and Emotion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Knowledge and Emotion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Information claims should likewise have truth, implying that the occasion must happen again and again with steady outcomes, In request to impart confidence that if it somehow managed to be rehashed, similar outcomes would be gotten. The last part of an information guarantee Is conviction, which implies that individuals must trust it to be valid. These here things are what consolidate to make realities that we know, to get perceived and acknowledged as general information inside society. To backtrack even further, the meaning of feeling is similarly as significant to finding the connection between these two words. Feeling is basically a psychological demeanor which is a reaction to an inclination, which means it is a physical response. Feeling is accordingly a key segment in confidence, and ties in intimately with the idea of faith in information. Presently, to start moving advances, it is important to discover the connection between the two. Upon first perusing, the Idea of information and feeling being firmly connected appears ere straight-forward. Both feeling and information have no reason in our reality without correspondence, for If we were unable to impart, our species would not have the option to endure. Correspondence, or our social Intelligence, Is broken Into two fields, which Include Interpersonal and Interpersonal Intelligence. Relational insight is our capacity to get others, what rouses others, and how they work it could be said, Ana presently to work helpfully Walt I Nils Knowledge Is innocently needy upon feelings, as non-verbal correspondence (the prevailing type of correspondence), depends on perusing others, and seeing how their body draw in and unobtrusive signals record to what they genuinely mean. We at that point depend upon our relational knowledge, which includes the capacity to screen ones own and others feelings, separate among them, and utilize this data to control ones own reasoning (Mayer and Salvoes 1993). From this clarification, it very well may be seen that between these two fields of social information, feeling and enthusiastic insight is the way to comprehension. Individual encounters influence my discernment, in this way prompting my sentiments and my enthusiastic reactions to them. Experience is the establishment of information, as to have legitimized genuine conviction, one must understand that there is nothing that appears to be more consistent with oneself than things we have encountered. Our feelings make such solid associations in our brains that attach us to occasions, and thusly, our world, and the things we see as information are that a lot more grounded and progressively important when our feelings are included. From these encounters do we gain the best information on the world, as it has been said ordinarily that the most significant things we can ever learn in life are those which we can't be instructed. My view of my own encounters drives me to discover various feelings. The quality of my feelings frequently is the way to memory of such occasions encompassing these feelings, and thusly, I recollect minutes throughout my life that are all the more emphatically appended to feelings. For instance, my day today passed altogether abruptly, with nothing especially intriguing to state for it, however I can distinctively review the occasions of last Friday, as I can review my tensions going before my French oral assessment, and the thrill and alleviation of having finished it a short time later, and that I went out to Struck after to celebrate. The occasions of my day are a lot simpler to recollect as a result of the compelling passionate connections to them, and realities of information, being as straightforward as l had my French oral on Friday can be reviewed from memory a lot quicker than whatever it was I did to pass the time today, regardless of the distinction in time isolating these occasions. Remember that everybody has certain encounters which are in any event like one anothers. It is almost incomprehensible for two individuals to encounter a similar occasion or feeling in precisely the same way, yet the two gatherings irrefutably experienced it. This reality joins us and permits us to impart to each other to pick up involvement in cozy things, for example, social circumstances and enactments. When attempting to clarify these occasions another person, the restrictions of my language are without a doubt the constraints of my reality. Or then again, to be progressively explicit, the constraints of my language are the restrictions of my reality to other people. On the off chance that I can't utilize language to disclose my reality to other people, than it must not exist, on the off chance that it can't be demonstrated to them. We as a whole acknowledge that every other person has their own universes, loaded up with misery, Joy, anxiety, sorrow, and so forth, however it is something we don't address. We perceive our own universes, and in this way accept others should live through similar encounters, without challenge, not to mention confirmation. Our relational knowledge is anticipated to get relational, as this sort of association is important to identify with each other at any rate essentially to support our species. Feeling is our improvement to act, and we have constructed our ethical frameworks Dates upon It I nuns, monotone Is Inane a significant part AT our lives. Basically, all information that isn't objective, for example, our individual discernments and considerations dependent on the theoretical of our prompt world, are situated here and there on feeling. Love is a superb case of how close to home connection concerning information is the information which we accept most emphatically to be valid. Apparently, everybody in the course of their life has felt love at any rate in the Platonic structure, and can recognize that affection exists. It is an inclination between individuals which joins us and permits us to lower into our relational relations. It has nothing unmistakable to appear for itself, and for about six billion individuals to state that affection is genuine, in spite of physical proof, emphatically shows the degree of conviction that is important to information claims. Moving ceaselessly from connections between individuals, the equivalent can be said about adoration for material articles. I for one know a few people who could brag for a considerable length of time about each minor detail f whats in the engine of their vehicle. Their passionate connection to their vehicle is the thing that permits them to mind more, it might be said, as they feel more constrained to find out about something they esteem so exceptionally. It is reasonable to accept that information and feeling are random, as information depends on realities that you perceive and comprehend, while feelings are uncertain in how close to home they are, and how we can never completely get them. Be that as it may, one can't just expel feeling from our lives, nor from the information that our lives are based upon. Feeling assumes such an indispensable job n what we characterize as information, we would lose huge measures of information itself. Feelings can prompt information that nothing else can, as feelings are so altogether different from whatever else in our reality. People are one of a kind when contrasted with creatures, as we are the main species equipped for feeling such a wide assortment of feelings. To additionally clarify the lacing connection among feeling and information, I feel it important to give a statement from C. S. Lewis in endeavors to additionally account for myself. In A Grief Observed, Lewis presumes that nothing will shake a man or at any rate an a like me out of his just verbal reasoning and his only judicious convictions. He must be thumped senseless before he wakes up. Just torment will draw out reality. Just under torment does he find himself (C. S. Lewis 2001). This statement expressively depicts how one needs to encounter profound feelings so as to find truth, both interior and outer. Without these feelings, man will never get truth, nor himself. To associate the last parts of the bargains Im constantly developing progressively tender of, I can finish up by again saying that feeling and information should consistently remain connected at the hip. Feelings are to us what appear to be generally genuine in this life, as our faculties are invigorated to give us discernment.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
The relationship of Employers and Trade Unions - Free Essay Example
The relationship between Employer and employee or trade unions is called Industrial Relation. Harmonious relationship is necessary for both employers and employees to safeguard the interests of the both the parties of the production. In order to maintain good relationship with the employees, the main functions of every organization should avoid any dispute with them or settle it as early as possible so as to ensure industrial peace and higher productivity. Personnel management is mainly concerned with the human relation in industry because the main theme of personnel management is to get the work done by the human power and it fails in its objectives if good industrial relation is maintained. In other words good Industrial Relation means industrial peace which is necessary for better and higher productions .Definition:- i. Industrial Relation is that part of management which is concerned with the manpower of the enterprise whether machine operator, skilled worker or manager. BETHEL, SMITH GROUP ii. Industrial Relation is a relation between employer and employees, employees and employees and employees and trade unions. Industrial dispute Act 1947 iii. While moving from jungle of the definitions, here, Industrial Relation is viewed as the process by which people and their organizations interact at the place of work to establish the terms and conditions of employment. The Industrial Relation relations also called as labo r management, employee-employer relations. A few notable features pertaining to Industrial Relations are as under: 1. Industrial Relation do not emerge in vacuum they are born of employment relationship in an industrial setting. Without the existence of the two parties, i.e. labor and management, this relationship cannot exist. It is the industry, which provides the environment for industrial relations. 2. Industrial Relation are characterized by both conflict and co-operations. This is the basis of adverse relationship. So the focus of Industrial Relations in on the study of the attitudes, relationships, practices and procedure developed by the contending parties to resolve or at least minimize conflicts. 3. As the labor and management do not operate in isolations but are parts of large system, so the study of Industrial Relation also includes vital environment issues like technology of the workplace, countrys socio-economic and political environment, nations labor pol icy, attitude of trade unions workers and employers. 4. Industrial Relation also involve the study of conditions conductive to the labor, managements co-operations as well as the practices and procedures required to elicit the desired co-operation from both the parties. 5. Industrial Relations also study the laws, rules regulations agreements, awards of courts, customs and traditions, as well as policy framework laid down by the governments for eliciting co-operations between labor and management. Besides this, it makes an in-depth analysis of the interference patterns of the executive and judiciary in the regulations of labor-managements relations. In fact the concepts of Industrial Relations are very broad-based, drawing heavily from a variety of discipline like social sciences, humanities, behavioral sciences, laws etc. COMPANY PROFILE- HINDUSTAN UNILIVER Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest fast moving consumer goods company, with leadership in Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages. HULs brands, spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touch the lives of two out of three Indians. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tonnes and sales of Rs.10,000 crores. The mission that inspires HULs 36,000 employees, including about 1,350 managers, is to add vitality to life. With 35 Power Brands, HUL meets everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL shares with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of the equity. A Fortune 500 transnational, Unilever sells Foods and Home and Personal Care brands in about 100 countries worldwide. Hindustan Unilever Limited considers quality as one of the principal strategic objectives to guarantee its growth and leadership i n the markets in which it operates. The company is committed to respond creatively and competitively to the changing needs and aspirations of our consumers through relentless pursuit of technological excellence, innovation and quality management across our businesses, and offer superior quality products and services that are appropriate to the various price points in the market as well as to our commitment to building shareholder value. The company recognises that its employees are the primary source of success in its operations and is committed to training and providing them the necessary tools and techniques as well as empowering them to ensure broad base compliance of this policy in the organisation at all levels. The company is committed to fulfill its legal and statutory obligations and international standards of product safety and hygiene and will not knowingly sell product that is harmful to consumers or their belongings. It will institute systems and measures to monitor comp liance in order to meet its responsibilities to consumers. The company will maintain an open communication channel with its consumers and customers and will carefully monitor the feedback to continuously improve its products and services and set quality standards to fulfill them. The company is committed to extend its quality standards to its contract manufacturers, key suppliers and service providers and by entering into alliances with them, to jointly improve the quality of its products and services. This policy is applicable to production from its own facilities as well as to production that is outsourced. The company will periodically review this quality policy for its effectiveness and consistency with business objectives. The company delegates authority and responsibility for dissemination and implementation of this policy to each Business and Unit Head. Objectives of Industrial Relations department at HUL A. To safeguard the interest of labor and management by securing the highest level of mutual understanding and good-will among all those sections in the company which participate in the process of production. B. To avoid industrial conflict or strife and develop harmonious relations, which are an essential factor in the productivity of workers and the thriving progress of HUL. C. To raise productivity to a higher level in an era of full employment by lessening the tendency to high turnover and frequency absenteeism. D. To establish and nurse the growth of an Industrial Democracy based on labor partnership in the sharing of profits and of managerial decisions, so that ban individuals personality may grow its full stature for the benefit of the industry and of the country as well. E. To eliminate, as far as is possible and practicable, strikes, lockouts and gheraos by providing reasonable wages, improved living and working conditions, said fringe benefits. F. To establ ish direct control of such plants and units as are running at a loss or in which productions has to be regulated in the public and companys interest. G. Improvements in the economic conditions of workers in the existing state of business unit. H. Control exercised by the state over industrial undertaking with a view to regulating production and promoting harmonious industrial relations. I. Socializations or rationalization of industries by making HUL itself as a major employer J. Vesting of a proprietary interest of the workers in the department in which they are employed. Health and safety policies of HUL Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) supplies high quality goods and services to meet the daily needs of consumers and customers. In doing so, the Company is committed to exhibit the highest standards of corporate behavior towards its consumers, employees, the societies and the environment in which we operate. Towards this, the Company recognises its responsibility to ensure safety and protection of health of its employees, contractors and visitors in all its operating sites, which include manufacturing, sales and distribution, research laboratories and offices during work and work related travel. This Policy document defines the vision, principles, aim, required actions and scope of the policy application as well as the responsibility for execution. Vision- Our vision is to be an injury free organisation. Mission-Our Mission-We will bring safety on top of mind for all employees and will integrate it with all business processes. We will realise our Vision through an Integra ted Safety Management approach, which focuses on People, Processes, Systems, Technology and Facilities, supported by demonstrated leadership and employee commitment at all levels as the prime drivers for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. Safety Principles : HULs Occupational Safety and Health Policy is based on and supported by the following eight Principles. These Principles have the same status as the Companys Code of Business Principles: ÂÂ · All injuries and occupational illnesses are preventable ÂÂ · All operational exposures can be safeguarded ÂÂ · Safety evaluation of all business processes is vital ÂÂ · Working safely is a condition of employment ÂÂ · Training all employees to work safely is essential ÂÂ · Management audits are a must ÂÂ · Employee involvement is essential ÂÂ ·All deficiencies must be reported and corrected promptly In order to facilitate operationalisation of the Safety Pri nciples, a separate document has been prepared, which covers: a)Safety Principles b)Success Criteriac)Illustrative KPI. This document will form the basis for the concerned Line / Organisations in developing KPIs for their respective functions / sites. Where does this policy apply? ÂÂ · All own/leased sites Manufacturing, Research/Innovation, Offices, Depots, Warehouses ÂÂ · In-house purchased services i.e. canteen, travel desk, IT implementation etc. ÂÂ ·Sites of associates with HUL holding 24% while carrying out operations of making, handling, using, transporting, selling or disposing off of our products This policy apply to: ÂÂ · All employees at business anywhere ÂÂ · Contractors and visitors while at our own sites INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PROGRAMME AT HUL : The IR department of HUL is headed by industrial relations director. He is not only responsible as personalizing management, or that of a social worker in a factory, or a union buster, he looks upon his department as an adjunct to management supervision at all levels; he keeps other executives informed about new discoveries, programme trends and needs. At the same time, he provides efficient service in the operation of several centralized services. At HUL a successful industrial relations programme reflects the personnel viewpoint, which is influenced by three main considerations: a) Individual thinking b) Policy awareness and c) Expected group reaction Individualized thinking makes if imperative for the administrator to consider the entire situation in which the affected individual is placed. Policy awareness underscores the idea of the consistency of treatment and the precedent value of any decision which a management takes; while expected group reaction balances w hat we know of human nature in groups against an individuals situation in the light of the policy that has been formulated and implemented. In all these different circumstances, reality demands that all the three aspects of the personnel viewpoint should be considered at once in terms of the past, the present and the future. This viewpoint is held at all the levels of management from the top to the bottom, from the top executives and staff to the line and supervisory personnel. SCOPE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS WORK AT HUL: The staff employed in the industrial relations department know the limitations within which it has to function. The industrial relations director generally has several assistants who help him to perform his functions effectively, and he usually reports directly to the president or chairman of the board of directors. The functions of the industrial relations staff at HUL are 1. Administration, including overall organization, supervision and co-ordination of industrial relations policies and programmes. 2. Liaison with outside groups and personnel departments as well as with various cadres of the management staff. 3. The drafting of regulations, rules, laws or orders and their construction and interpretation. 4. Position classification, including overall direction of job analysis, salary and wage administration, wage survey and pay schedules. 5. Recruitment and employment of workers and other staff. 6. Employment testing, including intelligence tests, mechanical aptitude tests and achievement tests. 7. Placement, including induction and assignment. 8. Training of apprentices, production workers, foremen and executives. 9. Employee counseling on all types of personnel problems-educational, vocational, health or behavior problems. 10. Medical and health services. 11. Safety services, including first aid training. 12. Group activities, including group health insurance, housing, cafeterial programmes and social clubs. 13. Suggestion plans and their uses in labor, management and production committees. 14. Employee relations, specially collective bargaining with representatives and settling grievances. 15. Public relations. 16. Research in occupational trends and employee attitudes, and analysis of labor turnover. 17. Employee records for all purposes. 18. Control of operation surveys, fiscal research and analysis. 19. Benefit, retirement and pension programmes. HULs successful IR programme is based on :- a) Top Management Support: Since industrial relations is a functional staff service, it must necessarily derive its authority from the line organization. This is ensured by providing that the industrial relations director should report to a top line authority to the president, chairman or vice president of each department. b) Sound Personnel Policies: These constitute the business philosophy of HUL and guide it in arriving at its human relations decisions. The purpose of such policies is to decide, before any emergency arises, what shall be done about the large number of problems which crop up every day during the working of an organization. Policies can be successful only when they are followed at all the level of an enterprise, from top to bottom. c) Adequate Practices are developed by professionals: In the field to assist in the implementation of the policies of HUL. A system of procedures is folowed. The procedures and practices of the industrial relations department a re the tool of management which enables a supervisor to keep ahead of his job that of the time-keeper, rate adjuster, grievance reporter and merit rater. d) Detailed Supervisory Training :- To ensure the organizational policies and practices are properly implemented and carried into effect by the industrial relations staff, job supervisors are trained thoroughly, so that they may convey to the employees the significance of those policies and practices. They are, moreover, trained in leadership and in communications. e) Follow-up of Results: HUL understands that constant review of an industrial relations programme is essential, so that existing practices may be properly evaluated and a check may be exercised on certain undesirable tendencies. A follow up of turnover, absenteeism, departmental morale, employee grievances and suggestion; wage administration, etc. is supplemented by continuous research to ensure that the policies that have been pursued are best fitted to company needs and employee satisfaction. Suggestions to Improve Industrial Relation :- a. Both management and unions should develop constructive attitudes towards each other b. All basic policies and procedures relating to Industrial Relation should be clear to everybody in the organization and to the union leader. The personnel manager must make certain that line people will understand and agree with these policies. c. The personnel manager should remove any distrust by convincing the union of the companys integrity and his own sincerity and honesty. Suspicious, rumors and doubts should all be put to rest. d. The personnel manager should not vie with the union to gain workersloyal to both the organization. Several research studies also confirm the idea of dual allegiance. There is strong evidence to discard the belief that one can owe allegiance to one group only. e. Management should encourage right kind of union leadership. While it is not for the management to interfere with union activities, or choose the union leadership, its action and attitude wil l go a long way towards developing the right kind of union leadership. Management gets the union it deserves is not just an empty phrase.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Direct Democracy Within A Representative System - 1485 Words
On a very basic level, direct democracy can be seen as mob rule or rule by decree. The system allows the mob to overrule the decisions made by the government, refusing any consistent social contracts between the citizens. In this pure form, direct democracy cannot even be considered a system of governance at all. It is not the most fair or just system. (Schneider). In order for any individual to indulge in a causal contract with other members of the society, it is necessary that they feel that they can rely on the constitution of the society they are contracting with. Direct democracy is popular currently as an alternative to a failed form called Representative Democracy. The Pirate Party â€Å"uses liquid democracy as an idea to tie votes to expertise and incorporate some aspects of direct democracy within a representative system, but this is a recycled idea from historical democracy that was replaced for a reason†(Marsh). Before individual voting and secret ballots were established, people were forced out of voting by the people in a position of power like employers or tyrannical spouses. Liquid democracy is not a new system instead it is a return to a previously failed one. It advocates corruption, vote buying and accepted rule by demagogues. These were the things that deemed this system of government not fit to be implemented; there is no logical reason for returning to a failed form of government. Women and minorities fought too hard for this system to return.Show MoreRelated‘We must recognize that representative democracy has f ailed, both politically and judicially as1500 Words  | 6 Pages‘We must recognize that representative democracy has failed, both politically and judicially as well as socially. As a consequence, we must return to the fundamental meaning of ‘democracy,’ the power of the demos to govern itself. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Plato s Teachings Of Philosophy - 1487 Words
Plato was a well known philosopher who lived during the time of the distinguished Greek philosophers. He was born into a wealthy and very noble family in the Athens. In the midst of preparation for his life long career as a politician, the young Plato witnessed the trial and eventual execution of Socrates. Little did he or anyone know this would ultimately lead him to completely abandon his political career and become one of the world’s most distinguished philosophers. Although Plato’s teachings are not universally agreed upon, virtually anyone can agree that that he was a brilliant thinker and spurred many thoughts and beliefs that are carried into today’s teachings of philosophy. While the precise relationship of Plato and Socrates remains a heated disagreement among scholars, Plato states that he was, in fact, a devoted follower of Socrates. Plato was highly influenced by Socrates’ teachings and highly disturbed by his execution, eventually leading him to establish an extremely powerful body of intellectual work. Plato is known to be a great writer as well as teacher. Some of Plato’s most famous teachings and writings had to do with his powerful argument that was in favor of the objectivity of values. He taught that objective values are those that exist outside the individual and are otherwise dependent upon their individual perception or personal belief. This can include truth, beauty, as well as good. Some other distinguished philosophers have come up withShow MoreRelatedGreek And Classical Greek Philosophy997 Words  | 4 Pages Classical Greek Philosophy A philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, esp. when considered as an academic discipline. Greece was divided into several city-states, which ran separately and independent from each other. However, they shared commonalities, such as common ancestry, language, and festivals. Foreigners were all considered barbarians to the Greek. Greek Culture is reflected in today s Society in many ways. These ways include mathematicsRead MoreThe Great Philosopher728 Words  | 3 Pages2017 The Great Philosopher Plato Plato is known as one of ancient Greece’s greatest philosophers. Plato was born in Athens, Greece during 428 BCE. Some people believe that Plato s real name is Aristocles, if in fact this is true he would have received this name from his grandfather. Historians believed that Plato had two full brother, one sister, and one half brother. They are unsure if Plato was the eldest. They believe that he was since he inherited his grandfather s name, and tradition was thatRead MorePlatos Philosophy in Apology1375 Words  | 6 PagesPHL202H5 Plato s Philosophy in Apology Plato was known to be one of Socrates students, and knew him for over 40 years. Although Plato s version of Apology is popularly believed to be (the most accurate) historical recount of what happened in 399 B.C on the day of Socrates trial, historians cannot be sure the validity of everything he wrote. It can be argued that it is actually a philosophical work, remarking on the teachings of Socrates and his beliefs, which he stood by even until hisRead MorePlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 Pages Plato, an Ancient Greek Philosopher by Carly Rittenmeyer Bible and the Ancient World Spring 2015 Plato, a Greek Philosopher, is known for his writings that impacted people in the Ancient Greek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and showsRead MoreQuestions On World Philosophy By Plato, Maria Montessori, And John Dewey1276 Words  | 6 PagesWorld Philosophy Paper Mikala: I ask you this, what is Knowledge? Plato: Knowledge is Virtue. Maria Montessori: Knowledge is what we observe. John Dewey: Knowledge is the active adaptation of a person based on their environment. This is an example of the Socratic dialog laid out by Plato. Plato was a philosopher and educator whom believed that education was the key to society. As a student, I realize how my education was impacted by philosophers such a Plato, Montessori, and Dewey. As a futureRead MorePhilosophy : The Liberalistic Philosophy Of Education807 Words  | 4 Pages Philosophy of Education 2 Perspective: The Liberalistic Philosophy of Education The empowerment of individuals within a community appeared to be nonexistent in Greek philosopher Plato s, Allegory of the Cave. Preferentially, it was simply not within the range of one s knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; therefore, unfamiliar. Greek philosopher Plato, an astute student of Socrates, his focal point - an advocateRead MorePlato s Life And Accomplishments874 Words  | 4 PagesPlato, a Greek philosopher, was born in Athens, in 428 B.C. under the name Aristoles. In his youth, he was a wrestler, that’s how he got the name ‘Plato’, that was his ring name. Plato means broad or flat, his shoulder were broad and his forehead was flat. He won a few trophies for wrestling but never made it to the Olympics at Olympia. He later change more toward the arts, and he wrote plays, and poetry, but in never won in any of his writing competitions. â€Å"Having failed to win an Olympic goldRead MoreSocrates : The Suicide Of Socrates1 405 Words  | 6 Pagesboth sides of the cases, they voted on whether or not Socrates is guilt. He ended up losing the vote of 280 to 220. Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking a cup of poison, Socrates would end up being his own killer. When Socrates was teaching Aristophanes and Xenophon, he would take money for living and that was his only source of income. But according to Plato’s records Socrates would not take any payments from his students, which lead him to having a poor lifestyle. Socrates also hadRead MoreA Life Sketch of Plato and His Works905 Words  | 4 PagesGreek philosophers, Plato must remain the best known of all the Greeks. The original name of this Athenian aristocrat was Aristiclis, but in his school days he received the nickname Platon (meaning broad) because of his broad shoulders. Plato was born in Athens, Greece to one of the oldest and most distinguished families in the city. He lived with his mother, Perictione, and his father, Ariston (Until Ariston died.) Born in an aristocratic and rich family, Plato s childhood was indulgedRead MoreWhat Good Is Good?1716 Words  | 7 Pagesphilosopher, Socrates, Plato and Augustine, had their own idea of what good meant to them and even though they had similar thoughts on what good was they had different ideas of where it came from. Socrates was known to be one of the greatest philosophers of the Western Civilization. He lived during what he thought was the Golden Age (Bramann). There was little that people knew about Socrates himself because he did not write anything down. Most of his speeches and teachings were told through other
Complex Area in Nursing Case Study
Question: Sonia is a 36 year old involved in a motorcar accident (MCA) on her way home from work Friday night. Her medical diagnoses are: L Pneumothorax (ICC inserted)Lacerated spleenL shaft of femurSuspected internal bleeding not identified during surgery.Sonia: Has had a general anesthetic and a laparotomy with repair of the liver laceration. Was infused with 4 units of whole blood during surgery Has an epidural line for analgesia. Has an indwelling urinary catheter in situ IVT 8/24 O2 via facemask delivered at 8L/min GCS 15 Vital signs currently stable Explain in detail the assessments you would implement over the shift to identify if she is bleeding internally and her condition deteriorating so you could quickly inform medical staff. Answer: Complex Care in Nursing Sonia is a working lady who is 36 years old. She has met a motor car accident on her way home from work Friday night. Immediately has been admitted to a hospital by local people. After examining her, the doctor decided to operate her injury immediately. Her medical diagnoses were L Pneumothorax, Lacerated spleen, L shaft of femur. During the operation, the internal bleeding was not recognized. At that time her condition was very critical. She has had a general anesthetic during operation and a laparotomy with repair of the liver laceration.Because of her internal injury she was infused with 4 units of whole blood during surgery. She had an epidural line for analgesia and had an indwelling urinary catheter in situ. Because of her critical condition oxygen is delivered to her via face mask at 8L/min. Glasgow coma scale (GCS) is a neurological scale by which the consciousness of a patient can measure. And the resulting points score between three and fifteen. Here resulting score for Son ia is fifteen.So the level of consciousness is improved slowly. She is provided intravenous therapy eight hours in a day for her unconsciousness. And it is noticed that her condition is improved by the time and the vital signs were stable. After examining her condition the doctor said that she is now out of danger. Sonia was transferred from Operation Theater to the intensive care unit ward. Now the responsibility comes to a nurse to take care of her immediate after the operation. The nurse is well known about the condition of the patient and it is her duty and responsibility to check her health improvement as well as response to medication. Sonia is now in a better condition but the nurse cannot take any risk about her health. The nurse should check her saline bottle in a specific time interval and the medicine which is prescribed by the doctor should be given timely. It is also very important that the doctors are immediately informed of the abnormal condition of the patient. The nurse should not leave the patient for a minute because she is jus t operated and she has several internal injuries. The nurse should be very attentive towards the patient (Cognet and Coyer, 2014). The entire care of Sonia is the responsibility of the nurse. The nurse can consult with the doctor if she wants. While leaving the shift the nurse should give full information about the condition of Sonia so that the second nurse should be able to handle her condition. Without delay the nurse should inform the specialist physician (inform hepatology doctor if the problem related to the liver or pulmonary doctor if problem related to lungs or the surgeon). So the nurse should be aware of all this and if the specialist doctor is not present at the hospital then they should call the doctor immediately and consult with the doctor about her present condition (Godfrey, Parten and Buckner, 2006). After that, the advice which is given by the doctor should be maintained. Intensive monitoring is needed for a critical patient (Le et al., 2014). The nurse should have knowledge about the electrocardiogram because the electrocardiogram monitoring is needed for a critical condition patient after th e operation (Spahn et al., 2013). The heart rate is detected by the alarm to reduce the risk. The hemodynamic stability for a critical care patient is determined by heart rate and rhythm. The nurse should check the temperature because the change in temperature is not good for a post operative patient. The change in temperature enhances the chance of infection (Rastegar, 2005). The nurse should check the blood pressure at a specific time intervals. Most importantly the nurse should maintain a flow sheet to record the report of a patient for a specific time interval. When the doctor will come it is the responsibility of a nurse should inform each and every details of a patient (Rossaint et al., 2010). Considering this report the doctor will decide if she needs more care or change in medication dose or change in therapy. So it is clear a night shift nurse has much more responsibilities to maintain. Hygiene is very important for a post operative patient. The bowel function is monitored by the nurse. The contamination during handling is avoided. Post operative care by nurse is an important role to reduce the life threatening risk of a critical patient. Sonia has just been operated and transferred to the intensive care unit ward and her internal bleeding was not recognized during the surgery. When she was admitted to emergency ward the doctors diagnosed her external injury. Because of the internal bleeding the nurse should maintain an extra care of her. The internal damage was not recognized externally by the nurse. There are various symptoms that help in recognizing the internal hemorrhage (Willey, 2005). The restlessness of the patient is an important sign for internal bleeding. Anxious expression, weak pulse, moist skin, cold, sighing respiration, thirst, increasing pallor, falling temperature and longing for fresh air are the symptoms for recognition of a internal bleeding of a patient (Mongin-Bulewski, 2011). These vital symptoms should be checked the nurse every minute and the nurse should inform the doctor immediately if any mentioned sign is observed. References: Cognet, S. and Coyer, F. (2014). Discharge practices for the intensive care patient: A qualitative exploration in the general ward setting.Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 30(5), pp.292-300. Godfrey, B., Parten, C. and Buckner, E. (2006). Identification of Special Care Needs.Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 25(6), pp.275-282. Le, H., Khankhanian, P., Joshi, N., Maa, J. and Crevensten, H. (2014). Patients Recovering From Abdominal Surgery Who Walked With Volunteers Had Improved Postoperative Recovery Profiles during Their Hospitalization.World Journal of Surgery, 38(8), pp.1961-1965. Mongin-Bulewski, C. (2011). Bleeding risk assessment and management in patients with AF.Nurse Prescribing, 9(8), pp.370-372. Rastegar, D. (2005). Fumbled Handoffs.Annals of Internal Medicine, 143(7), p.542. Rossaint, R., Bouillon, B., Cerny, V., Coats, T., Duranteau, J., Fernndez-Mondjar, E., Hunt, B., Komadina, R., Nardi, G., Neugebauer, E., Ozier, Y., Riddez, L., Schultz, A., Stahel, P., Vincent, J. and Spahn, D. (2010). Management of bleeding following major trauma: an updated European guideline.Critical Care, 14(2), p.R52. Spahn, D., Bouillon, B., Cerny, V., Coats, T., Duranteau, J., Fernndez-Mondjar, E., Filipescu, D., Hunt, B., Komadina, R., Nardi, G., Neugebauer, E., Ozier, Y., Riddez, L., Schultz, A., Vincent, J. and Rossaint, R. (2013). Management of bleeding and coagulopathy following major trauma: an updated European guideline.Critical Care, 17(2), p.R76. Willey, J. (2005). Internal Bleeding.Clinical Nurse Specialist, 19(3), p.161.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The ways in which poets make use of form and language to present their views on love and marriage Essay Example
The ways in which poets make use of form and language to present their views on love and marriage Essay The two poems studied from the nineteenth century on love and loss give a very different view on love and marriage. A woman to her lover, by Christina Walsh gives a view of a woman wanting co-equal love, whereas in My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, there is a view of patriarchal love and dominance by man. These are both very different views on love, however in A Woman To Her Lover, the views expressed in these days would be seen as rational and what is accepted. In the days which it was written it would be seen as discordant. This essay will focus on comparing the form and language of both poems and how these techniques help to present their views on love and marriage. Along with form and language, this essay will also comment on the use of rhetorical questions, personal pronouns, the use of exclamation marks, imagery and repetition. In A Woman To Her Lover the poem is based on a four-stanza reply to a question, If that be what you ask. We can see that she has been asked to marry and she is setting out the guidelines. The poem also has no set rhyme scheme or rhythm; it also rejects traditional conversion and rules. In the nineteenth century there were rules which women had to follow and what was expected of them, but this freedom in which the poem is written expresses the freedom that the writer is asking for in the relationship between her and her lover. The freedom in the poem represents the freedom asked for in marriage. We will write a custom essay sample on The ways in which poets make use of form and language to present their views on love and marriage specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The ways in which poets make use of form and language to present their views on love and marriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The ways in which poets make use of form and language to present their views on love and marriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer My Last Duchess is written as a dramatic monologue, the speakers personality is revealed through what he is saying. It is written in iambic pentameter and rhyming couplets, which gives the effect of strictness, with a patriarchal and restrictive view of love. There is also enjambement in this poem, which gives it a natural flow, this suggests that what he is saying comes naturally and it is the only way that he thinks. The language in both poems is archaic and of the time but Christina Walsh uses an unusual word order, no servant will I be. This makes the statement more direct with a suggestion of harshness. It also emphasises her disgust at the traditional view of love. In My Last Duchess the duke has an ostentatious voice, worked busily a day. This shows that he has high expectations of his employees and he will also have high expectations of his wife. The Duke also tries to make people fear him, if they durst. This would show that he feels that people should be scared of him, which would include his wife, so he would not be very close to his wife if she were scared of him. The use of questions and rhetorical questions are used in both of the poems. The woman in A Woman To Her Lover uses questions in a reply to an assumed proposal of marriage, Or if you think to wed. These questions are the theme for the whole poem. This can show that he has asked her a question, but before she can answer she has to know things about him. This makes us feel that she is not rushing into marriage but is thinking carefully about if she wants to marry him. The duke, on the other hand, answers his own question, whod stoop to blame. He wants the envoy to agree with his anger and disgust at his disobedient wife. He expects correct answers and is single minded about other views. Along with this he always expects people to agree with him. He would not expect his wife to have her own views, even her view of if she wanted to marry him. Cristina Walsh uses the words we, you and I a lot in her poem, A Woman To Her Lover. This shows that the woman wants co-equal love as she involves the man in the poem. She says what we want rather than I want. It shows partnership in the relationship and togetherness. My Last Duchess has a lot of the personal pronoun, I. This shows that he sees love as ownership and will see his wife as a possession rather than a partner. Love does not account for his choice of wife and will only have a trophy wife, someone who will look good to other people. Cristina Walsh uses exclamation marks in her poem to emphasize her disgust in patriarchal views of love at the end of the stanza, I refuse you! If the exclamation mark were not there we would not be able to see how much she despised the view of patriarchal love she is talking about. Robert Browning uses the exclamation mark also to emphasize his disgust but it is when he remembers his wife having her own views, Sir, t was all one! We can see that he is very dominant and gets angry when she does what she wants. Once again the exclamation marks lets us see how angry he gets and how much he hates her having her own views. A Woman To Her Lover uses quite a lot of parallel structure throughout the whole poem If that be what you ask. This use of parallel structure gives the effect that she is ranting and raving about her disgust of the ideas that she is talking about. The parallel structure also gives the effect that she is shouting very fast and gives fluidity to it. My Last Duchess does not have any parallel structure as I think that the duke is trying to give a note of dignity to himself. Therefore the use of parallel structure will give the effect that he is shouting and getting excited. He tries to make himself sound better than he really is which makes him sound fake about love and that women dont see him for what he is. Christina Walsh uses repetition at the beginning of a sentence to try to get a lot of points through. There are three sentences one after the other all beginning with And. This tells us that the woman has a lot of conditions and points for her love to her lover. Robert Browning uses repetition further apart in his poem; that spot of joy, this gives us the feeling that he is wrapped up in one thing only and can only think about that one thing. This repetition makes us think that he is obsesses with the bad behaviour of his wife and cannot let simple things drop. This makes us think that he is strict with his wife and is not caring or forgiving. These two poems both give very different views of love and marriage in the nineteenth century. Christina Walsh gives a modern view of a relationship, which is what most couples try for today. She lists the conditions for her love. These conditions however are not biased but things that will balance the relationship. Whereas in Robert Brownings, My Last Duchess the Duke talks about a relationship where he has complete dominance over his wife. He also expects her to look up to him at all times and be thankful of everything he has and for her to not acknowledge any other men. Robert Brownings patriarchal view of love, which he talks about in My Last Duchess, was seen as acceptable in the nineteenth century, especially by men. Women yearned for the view of Christina Walsh, but nothing was done about it, we can now see that this view is now a reality in todays world and any other view, i.e. Robert Brownings view, would be unacceptable.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Characteristics of Left Brain Dominant Students
Characteristics of Left Brain Dominant Students While there are differences of opinion when it comes to brain hemisphere dominance, one thing seems clear: there are some students who are more comfortable with logic and reasoning than they are with creativity and intuition. These preferences are characteristic of people who are sometimes called left brain dominant. Are you very organized? Do you believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things? Do you enjoy math homework more than English homework? If so, you may be left-brain dominant. Characteristics of Left Brain Dominant Students Work well with a daily task listLike to be the critic in classFeel naturally good at math or scienceAre rational and logicalPerform research that is precise and well-documentedLike to set goalsCan interpret information wellKeep a tidy roomAnswer questions spontaneouslyFollow directions and read directionsArent touchy-feelyCan listen to a long lecture without losing interestDon’t let feelings get in their wayEnjoy action moviesRead sitting upChoose precise words Left Brain Dominant Students in Class Able to remember dates and processes in history classEnjoy going through a long calculation in math classLike the order of scienceHave a good understanding of grammar and sentence structure in English class Advice for Left Brain Dominant Students Study in a quiet room to avoid distractionYou understand math but may get impatient trying to explain it to someone who struggles. If so, don’t volunteer to be a tutor unless you know you have the patience for it.You like to take the lead in study groups, so go ahead and volunteerJoin a debate team or academic competitionTry to excel at the science fair; you can be a winnerUse your skills in math and science to your advantageChoose non-fiction readingYou prefer factual questions and assignments, as opposed to open-ended questionsYou can organize your notes well, so you shouldKeep your room organizedTry to refrain from arguing with the teacherWhen selecting assignments, choose to do analytical essaysWork alone when you have a choice; you get frustrated with others who â€Å"clown around†Avoid â€Å"free-thinking†teachers if they confuse youTake more risks; don’t be afraid to be creative With all of your factual knowledge, you might be a finalist on Jeopardy someday.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Parts and Functions of the Conducting Zones and Respiratory Zones Essay
Parts and Functions of the Conducting Zones and Respiratory Zones - Essay Example The conchae push the air to the wall of the conducting zone, and the respiratory mucosa picks the contaminants that pass through the nose. The other parts involved in the filtration are cilia. Cilia are involved in pushing the contaminants that are trapped by the mucus to the larynx. The contaminants that reach the larynx with the help of cilia are either swallowed or spit out. The other function that occurs in the zone is warming of the air. Air is warmed by the fact that it passes through the conducting zone. On the other hand, the respiratory zones comprise of various parts. These parts are involved in gas exchange. The parts include terminal bronchioles and alveolar sacs. Their main role is to ensure there is a gas exchange. There are mechanisms in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood. The transport of CO2 takes place in three ways. The first way in which CO2 is transported is through dissolving in plasma. About 7-10 percent of the gas is dissolved through this process. The second way in which the gas is transported is getting attached to the globin of hemoglobin. It is estimated that about 20 percent of the gas is transported by this route. The third way in which the gas is transported is through bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) in plasma. The majority of CO2 is transported through this process and is estimated to be about 70 percent of gas transported. The filtration process takes place in the glomerular capsule. The two main vessels involved in this process are the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole. The afferent arteriole enters the capsule to form a capillary bed called the glomerulus. The capillaries have small openings in terms of pores. In these pores, the filtered material passes and includes urea, uric acid, water, hydrogen ions, and ions. The efferent arteriole exits the capsule carrying nonfiltered components such as blood, glucose, vitamins, proteins, white blood cells, and platelets.Â
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Legal and Ethical Issues in American Criminal Justice Assignment
Legal and Ethical Issues in American Criminal Justice - Assignment Example This paper highlights that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became constitutional, courtesy of the Supreme Court in 2012. Some of the elements of the act have been causing ethical issues among citizens, companies and religious institutions. As a result of the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, guidelines pertaining to the requirements of the Act were directed to states, employers, insurance providing companies and consumers. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will be aiming at achieving various goals. In general, the Act sought to pose control on the costs of healthcare, achieve prevention of adverse health conditions and add on the list of health issues that medical covers provided. As the essay declares insurance companies could not deny providing cover to clients on pre-existing conditions, and many people became eligible for Medicaid. However, when the Court decision allowed for implementation of the act, there arose opposing views. These views were as a result of various religious beliefs among people and differing health priorities. For instance, controversy arose because of the priorities of Americans in terms of the health care goals that they saw to be fundamental in contradiction with different beliefs and values among citizens. It is evident from the views put forward by various groups that Americans would like to choose the kind of health care that they want to receive, from whom they would like to receive such care and when to receive it.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Your Brain on fiction and The Mighty Mathematician Youve Never Heard Essay
Your Brain on fiction and The Mighty Mathematician Youve Never Heard Of - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Annie Murphy Paul wrote the first article and it was published on 17 March 2012. It was entitled Your Brain on fiction. Despite, the evolution of digital devices, the fiction that is derived from reading novels is not completely dead. There is a group of individuals who have completely devoted themselves to the understanding of fiction through neuroscience. Annie writes that they have developed brain scans that reveal what happens in the brain when people read detailed information in the books or even articles in the newspaper, evocative character or an emotional exchange between characters in a movie or a book or even a magazine interview. Stories have affected the way people act or even the way they view certain situations in life. It was discovered that some of these stories stimulate the brain in a manner that directs the brain to do certain things in accordance to what it was stimulated to do. Researchers and scientists have always known the Brocaâ₠¬â„¢s area and Wernicke’s area as the regions of the brain responsible for interpreting motor speech and written data respectively. However, it has been noted over the past few years that other brain parts are also stimulated when one reads a book, by so doing making the experience of reading feel very real in the eyes of the reader. According to scientists, there are words such as lavender, perfume or cinnamon that may stimulate the parts of the brain responsible for smelling.... udy, a cognitive scientist Veronique Boulanger, claims that the use of sentences such as â€Å"Terry grasped the object†or â€Å"Peter kicked the ball†stimulated the motor cortex which is responsible for the coordination of the bodily movements. What’s more, the brain seems not to differentiate the experience it gets through reading and real life, this is because the same neurological regions are stimulated in each case. A University Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto stated that the reading produces stimulation of reality. These fictional stories and novels are just are essential in describing life’s social and emotional situation (Dwight 65). Most importantly, Annie wanted to bring out the idea that most of these stimulations that the brain receives have been evident by reading about them in books that have good descriptions of the movements, smells and actions of characters in the books or articles. Another article is The Mighty Math ematician You’ve Never Heard Of, which was written by Natalie Angier and published by the New York Times on March 26, 2012. This article talks about a mathematician who has been almost anonymous for over a decade for a theory that explains so many other theories in physics. Einstein also described her as the most significant and creative female of all time. She invented a theory that unites two very common theories in physics, which include the Theory of symmetry in nature and that of the Universal laws of conservation. Noethers’s theory has been classified as important as that of by Einstein (Theory of relativity). Despite the significance of her works, she has remained unknown to the people. A physicist in Drexel University has carried a research and written about her works. He did a poll that he noted many
Thursday, January 23, 2020
New Trends and the Evaluation of Scholarship :: Essays Papers
New Trends and the Evaluation of Scholarship Introduction The advancement of information and communication technologies over the past decade, particularly the growth of the Internet, the World Wide Web (Web), and email, have had an impact on how scholarship is conducted and are re-defining many aspects of scholarly communication. Interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and disintermediation are three aspects of scholarly communication that are on the increase as a result of the advancement of information and communication technology. The trend towards increased interdisciplinary and collaborative scholarship, combined with the disintermediation of traditional journal publishers and publishing as more scholarship is made directly available electronically, make the evaluation of scholarship more difficult. This paper will briefly examine these trends, the advancement of new technology, and how they may effect the evaluation of scholarship. Backgound Changes in scholarly communication and the evaluation of scholarship are discussed in this paper in the context of several concepts. Operationalizing the key concepts used in this discussion results in the following definitions. Scholarship is both the work, and the result of the work, performed by scholars to produce new information to be added to a body of knowledge. The addition of scholarly work to a body of knowledge is accomplished by communicating, usually in writing, either in print or digital format, the findings produced by scholarship to the wider, usually academic, community. Borgman (2000) defines scholarly communication as â€Å"†¦the study of how scholars in any field†¦use and disseminate information through formal and informal channels†(p. 144). Evaluating scholarship entails examining the written results of scholarly work, but it also includes examination of the methods and procedures used to produce that work. Interdisciplinarity refers to the increasing trend of scholars to participate in research and publication activities with other scholars outside of their own academic discipline. Webster’s online defines discipline as â€Å"a branch of knowledge or teaching; the subject matter of instruction†(Webster’s, 2003). â€Å"Interdisciplinarity is a term which refers to the integration of concepts across different disciplines†(Wikipedia, 2003). The most complete definition found was one quoted in Lattuca (2002) and specifies the different types of interdisciplinary actions that are at the core of interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary – An adjective describing the interaction among two or more different disciplines. This interaction may range from simple communication of ideas to the mutual integration of organizing concepts, methodology, procedures, epistemology, terminology, data, and organization of research and education in a fairly large field. An
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Water Pollution Is the Contamination of Water Bodies
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e. g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.Millions depend on the polluted Ganges river. Water pollution is a major problem in the global context. It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases,[1][2] and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. [2] An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every day. 3] Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution,[4] and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking water. [5] In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as well.In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as polluted. 6] Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use, like serving as drinking water, and/or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities, such as fish. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water. [edit]Water pollution categories Surface water and groundwater have often been studied and managed as separate resources, although they are interrelated. 7] Sources of surface water pollution are generally grouped into two categories based on their origin. [edit] Point source pollution Point source pollution – Shipyard – Rio de Janeiro. Point source pollution refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete conveyance, such as a pipe or ditch. Examples of sources in this category include discharges from a sewage treatment plant, a factory, or a city storm drain. The U. S. Clean Water Act (CWA) defines point source for regulatory enforcement purposes. 8] The CWA definition of point source was amended in 1987 to include municipal storm sewer systems, as well as industrial stormwater, such as from construction sites. [9] [edit] Non–point source pollution Non–point source (NPS) pollution refers to diffuse contamination that does not originate from a single discrete source. NPS pollution is often the cumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. The leaching out of n itrogen compounds from agricultural land which has been fertilized is a typical example.Nutrient runoff in stormwater from â€Å"sheet flow†over an agricultural field or a forest are also cited as examples of NPS pollution. Contaminated storm water washed off of parking lots, roads and highways, called urban runoff, is sometimes included under the category of NPS pollution. However, this runoff is typically channeled into storm drain systems and discharged through pipes to local surface waters, and is a point source. However where such water is not channeled and drains directly to ground it is a non-point source. [edit] Groundwater pollution See also: Hydrogeology Interactions between groundwater and surface water are complex.Consequently, groundwater pollution, sometimes referred to as groundwater contamination, is not as easily classified as surface water pollution. [7] By its very nature, groundwater aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that may not dire ctly affect surface water bodies, and the distinction of point vs. non-point source may be irrelevant. A spill or ongoing releases of chemical or radionuclide contaminants into soil (located away from a surface water body) may not create point source or non-point source pollution, but can contaminate the aquifer below, defined as a toxin plume.The movement of the plume, a plume front, can be part of a Hydrological transport model or Groundwater model. Analysis of groundwater contamination may focus on the soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, and the nature of the contaminants. [edit] Causes of water pollution The specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated temperature and discoloration. While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (calcium, sodium, ron, manganese, etc. ) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a contaminant. Oxygen-depleting substances may be natural materials, such as plant matter (e. g. leaves and grass) as well as man-made chemicals. Other natural and anthropogenic substances may cause turbidity (cloudiness) which blocks light and disrupts plant growth, and clogs the gills of some fish species. [10] Many of the chemical substances are toxic. Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal hosts. 11] Alteration of water's physical chemistry includes acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity, temperature, and eutrophication. Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the ecosystem. Depending on the degree of eutrophication, subsequent negative environmental effects such as anoxia (oxygen depletion) and severe reductions in water quality may occur, affecting fish and other animal po pulations. [edit] Pathogens A manhole cover unable to contain a sanitary sewer overflow.Coliform bacteria are a commonly used bacterial indicator of water pollution, although not an actual cause of disease. Other microorganisms sometimes found in surface waters which have caused human health problems include: †¢Burkholderia pseudomallei †¢Cryptosporidium parvum †¢Giardia lamblia †¢Salmonella †¢Novovirus and other viruses †¢Parasitic worms (helminths). [12][13] High levels of pathogens may result from inadequately treated sewage discharges. [14] This can be caused by a sewage plant designed with less than secondary treatment (more typical in less-developed countries).In developed countries, older cities with aging infrastructure may have leaky sewage collection systems (pipes, pumps, valves), which can cause sanitary sewer overflows. Some cities also have combined sewers, which may discharge untreated sewage during rain storms. [15] Pathogen discharges m ay also be caused by poorly managed livestock operations. [edit] Chemical and other contaminants Muddy river polluted by sediment. Photo courtesy of United States Geological Survey. Contaminants may include organic and inorganic substances.Organic water pollutants include: †¢Detergents †¢Disinfection by-products found in chemically disinfected drinking water, such as chloroform †¢Food processing waste, which can include oxygen-demanding substances, fats and grease †¢Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of organohalides and other chemical compounds †¢Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuels, and fuel oil) and lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion byproducts, from stormwater runoff[16] †¢Tree and bush debris from logging operations Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as industrial solvents, from improper storage. Chlorinated solvents, which are dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), may fall to the bottom of reservoirs, since they don't mix well with water and are denser. †¢Various chemical compounds found in personal hygiene and cosmetic products Inorganic water pollutants include:†¢Acidity caused by industrial discharges (especially sulfur dioxide from power plants) †¢Ammonia from food processing waste †¢Chemical waste as industrial by-products Fertilizers containing nutrients–nitrates and phosphates–which are found in stormwater runoff from agriculture, as well as commercial and residential use[16] †¢Heavy metals from motor vehicles (via urban stormwater runoff)[16][17] and acid mine drainage †¢Silt (sediment) in runoff from construction sites, logging, slash and burn practices or land clearing sites Macroscopic pollutionâ€â€large visible items polluting the waterâ€â€may be termed â€Å"floatables†in an urban stormwater context, or marine debris when found on the open seas, and can include such items as: †¢Trash (e. . paper, plastic, or food waste) discarded by people on the ground, and that are washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually discharged into surface waters †¢Nurdles, small ubiquitous waterborne plastic pellets †¢Shipwrecks, large derelict ships Potrero Generating Station discharges heated water into San Francisco Bay. [18] [edit] Thermal pollution Main article: Thermal pollution Thermal pollution is the rise or fall in the temperature of a natural body of water caused by human influence.A common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a coolant by power plants and industrial manufacturers. Elevated water temperatures decreases oxygen levels (which can kill fish) and affects ecosystem composition, such as invasion by new thermophilic species. Urban runoff may also elevate temperature in surface waters. Thermal pollution can also be caused by the release of very cold water from the base of reservoirs into warmer rivers. [edit] Transport and chemical react ions of water pollutants See also: Marine pollution Most water pollutants are eventually carried by rivers into the oceans.In some areas of the world the influence can be traced hundred miles from the mouth by studies using hydrology transport models. Advanced computer models such as SWMM or the DSSAM Model have been used in many locations worldwide to examine the fate of pollutants in aquatic systems. Indicator filter feeding species such as copepods have also been used to study pollutant fates in the New York Bight, for example. The highest toxin loads are not directly at the mouth of the Hudson River, but 100 kilometers south, since several days are required for incorporation into planktonic tissue.The Hudson discharge flows south along the coast due to coriolis force. Further south then are areas of oxygen depletion, caused by chemicals using up oxygen and by algae blooms, caused by excess nutrients from algal cell death and decomposition. Fish and shellfish kills have been repo rted, because toxins climb the food chain after small fish consume copepods, then large fish eat smaller fish, etc. Each successive step up the food chain causes a stepwise concentration of pollutants such as heavy metals (e. g. mercury) and persistent organic pollutants such as DDT.This is known as biomagnification, which is occasionally used interchangeably with bioaccumulation. A polluted river draining an abandoned copper mine on Anglesey Large gyres (vortexes) in the oceans trap floating plastic debris. The North Pacific Gyre for example has collected the so-called â€Å"Great Pacific Garbage Patch†that is now estimated at 100 times the size of Texas. Many of these long-lasting pieces wind up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals. This results in obstruction of digestive pathways which leads to reduced appetite or even starvation.Many chemicals undergo reactive decay or chemically change especially over long periods of time in groundwater reservoirs. A noteworthy class of such chemicals is the chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethylene (used in industrial metal degreasing and electronics manufacturing) and tetrachloroethylene used in the dry cleaning industry (note latest advances in liquid carbon dioxide in dry cleaning that avoids all use of chemicals). Both of these chemicals, which are carcinogens themselves, undergo partial decomposition reactions, leading to new hazardous chemicals (including dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride).Groundwater pollution is much more difficult to abate than surface pollution because groundwater can move great distances through unseen aquifers. Non-porous aquifers such as clays partially purify water of bacteria by simple filtration (adsorption and absorption), dilution, and, in some cases, chemical reactions and biological activity: however, in some cases, the pollutants merely transform to soil contaminants. Groundwater that moves through cracks and caverns is not filtered and can be transported a s easily as surface water.In fact, this can be aggravated by the human tendency to use natural sinkholes as dumps in areas of Karst topography. There are a variety of secondary effects stemming not from the original pollutant, but a derivative condition. An example is silt-bearing surface runoff, which can inhibit the penetration of sunlight through the water column, hampering photosynthesis in aquatic plants. [edit] Measurement of water pollution Environmental Scientists preparing water autosamplers. Water pollution may be analyzed through several broad categories of methods: physical, chemical and biological.Most involve collection of samples, followed by specialized analytical tests. Some methods may be conducted in situ, without sampling, such as temperature. Government agencies and research organizations have published standardized, validated analytical test methods to facilitate the comparability of results from disparate testing events. [19] [edit] Sampling Sampling of water for physical or chemical testing can be done by several methods, depending on the accuracy needed and the characteristics of the contaminant. Many contamination events are sharply restricted in time, most commonly in association with rain events.For this reason â€Å"grab†samples are often inadequate for fully quantifying contaminant levels. Scientists gathering this type of data often employ auto-sampler devices that pump increments of water at either time or discharge intervals. Sampling for biological testing involves collection of plants and/or animals from the surface water body. Depending on the type of assessment, the organisms may be identified for biosurveys (population counts) and returned to the water body, or they may be dissected for bioassays to determine toxicity. [edit] Physical testingCommon physical tests of water include temperature, solids concentration like total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity. [edit] Chemical testing See also: water chemistry anal ysis and environmental chemistry Water samples may be examined using the principles of analytical chemistry. Many published test methods are available for both organic and inorganic compounds. Frequently used methods include pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nutrients (nitrate and phosphorus compounds), metals (including copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury), oil and grease, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and pesticide
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Opposition to Human Cloning How Morality and Ethics...
The Opposition to Human Cloning: How Morality and Ethics Factor in If a random individual were asked twenty years ago if he/she believed that science could clone an animal, most would have given a weird look and responded, â€Å"Are you kidding me?†However, that once crazy idea has now become a reality, and with this reality, has come debate after debate about the ethics and morality of cloning. Yet technology has not stopped with just the cloning of animals, but now many scientists are contemplating and are trying to find successful ways to clone human individuals. This idea of human cloning has fueled debate not just in the United States, but also with countries all over the world. I believe that it is not morally and ethically right†¦show more content†¦It is these errors, mistakes, and the resulting consequence that occurs from cloning animals, which must be understood to realize why it is immoral and unethical to try to clone humans. Many Americans do not understand how risky it will be to clone a human, not to mention how hard it is to clone an animal. Many news article and publications offer this information to the public, because many scientists will not address the media with the real facts. In an article titled, â€Å"Creator of cloned sheep, Dolly, says he wouldn’t want to make copies of humans†, Dr. Wilmut stresses that only 1-5% of those embryos used in cloning result in live animals, and survivors are plagued with obesity, kidney problems and other troubles, and even Dolly is suffering from arthritis (1). Most cloned animals, like cows, pigs, goats, sheep, die during embryonic development, and others are stillborn with monstrous abnormalities. Bloated mothers have laborious miscarriages, and occasionally die themselves. The clones usually struggle for air in intensive care units, only to have to be euthanized, the process of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal il lness or an incurable condition, according to an MSNBC article titled, â€Å"Much confusion over cloning†(1). The risks and uncertainties associated with the current technological state of cloning are the basis for whyShow MoreRelatedEthics3978 Words  | 16 Pages10 Professor Ronald Wade Erin Broker 8/30/2009 Kaplan University Unit 9 Final Project Introduction Ethics is the area of study that deals with morality and how we make decisions about how we behave as individuals and how our actions reflect our values and conduct towards one another. 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